Far too often I've been consulted regarding will and estate issues where there's a problem that could've easily been avoided or managed if only a will had been properly made, or even just made! For example, there are many will kits, both online and paper based, available for people to make their own wills. Usually they come with accurate and often very good instructions. Yet, of all the matters I've been consulted about in my career that involved a home made will, I've never seen a home made that didn't have some issue or concern, many times very serious ones.
Will Awareness Day is a great opportunity to learn just a little bit more about wills and estate planning matters. There are many free talks and programmes scheduled in many places in New South Wales; if you'd like to try to attend one, here's the list on the Law Society's website.
If you prefer, for now, to read some general information, here's an informative Law Society article Should I make a will? Also, here some links to some general information I've previously written about Wills and Estate Planning, and Deceased Estates, Probate and Estate Claims.
Do you have a will? Or, has it been a while since you made one? Just don't leave it for too long to do something about it.