Alvaro Edwards Solicitors is and has been a quality endorsed legal practice since April 2005. The firm is one of the earliest NSW law firms (licence number LAW20005) to achieve this standard.
An outside independent auditing and certification structure for quality systems is required to ensure compliance with international quality standards. Auditing, consulting and accreditation of ISO standards are provided by independant organisations such as SAI Global.
Today, SAI Global completed its 2012 surveillance audit of Alvaro Edwards Solicitors' quality management systems.
I'm proud to announce we have again maintained our quality standards certification to Legal Best Practice ISO 9001/LAW 9000. This can’t happen without the support of all management and staff.
Comments in the report include:
The firm continues to maintain the quality management system to meet the requirements of the business and LAW9000. There were no nonconformances raised during this audit... The firm’s approach to continual improvement is well established... Continual improvement continues to be a focus of the firm...
Why does Alvaro Edwards Solicitors bother with this quality system process? Simple. It benefits the way we run our business, which imprtantly translates into a commitment to better serving our clients.